Content centric SEO for small businesses and Startups

Improve your websites Search engine ranking with dedicated monthly SEO solutions on monthly subscription and expand your websites visibility. With our content centric SEO your website will get published on authority platforms. 

affordable link building

SEO Service service at an affordable cost

Top quality monthly SEO solutions

With our Internet marketing solutions you get best results, and you have to pay only fraction of what you would be paying other companies. Since 2008 Social SEO Team has changed how SEO campaigns are implemented and completed. Our Content Centric SEO services comes with guaranteed results or free work till result is achieved.

Get top ranking for your website on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Our SEO Service agents will optimize your website using organic white-hat Content centric SEO techniques. It doesn’t matter if your business or website belongs to a low competition or high competition sector. After Signing up with us you will see your website out ranking all your competitors and sitting comfortably on first page of Google.

Content Centric SEO Solutions To Boost Your Website traffic

Social SEO Team is dedicated in getting your website on top of search engines. After hooking up with us you don’t have to waste your time and money with other low quality SEO service providers. We understand the frustration caused by low quality service providers who charge you thousands of dollars without guarantee of results. We understand that from starters to enterprises, all businesses want good ranking for their website on search engines, that’s why we have created efficient and cost affordable SEO solutions to help on the way to getting on top of search engines.

The main advantages obtained through our Content centric SEO are as follows:

Increased in traffic

Being first on the search engine can bring numerous traffic increases to your websites, allowing you to grow your business and be increasingly known.

New leads acquisition

Thanks to Content rich SEO, more people will find your site online and therefore increase the contacts of potential customers who want your products or services.

Improve website usability

Content rich websites improve the experience of website visitors and help in closure of sale by building confidence in buying your product or service.

Build business prestige

Achieving top ranking on Google is a source of great prestige in any sector. Visitors trust the website who appear on the top of search ranking and order more from them.

Content And SEO makes the best marketing mix

SEO solutions that boost your SERP rank and build your brand

There are two ways to do SEO: the right way and the wrong way. We do it the right way, and that means getting links out there on other high quality sites. Many other companies will get links to your site out to many other sites, but these are low quality sites. This is not an effective way to do SEO. When you sign up with us, you don’t have to worry about long-term contracts either. We have a reputation to maintain, and that means us working hard for you.

SEO can be done in many ways, and there are right, organic ways and wrong ways. Wrong ways can harm your website and make your situation worse. That;s why we use organic methods and improve your rank by getting best quality backlinks and creating links on high quality websites. Many companies use spammy and low quality methods to get backlinks, its not the right way to do SEO. SEO is an art and we are Experts. Our SEO agents work hard for you and don’t bind you with long term contracts.Our SEO agents keep their knowledge up to dated and go through regular trainings to make sure they are doing right thing.

SEO company

Avail the benefits of reaching the 1st page of Google


We help you reach first page of Google with our Link building and SEO services. Being the first in Google is the best way to boost your business growth Among many other things, a good SEO positioning in search engines ensures:

Content that works for visitors as well as Search engines


We believe in keeping things simple. We have created simple SEO packages for you. Once you are signed up, we do complete keyword research. We guarantee that your website will be on the first apge of Google. Generally one can expect the results in 5-8 months.

If you don’t see results in given time, we will do Free SEO for your website till your website get on the first page of Google. We work for you round the clock because we know how important it is for you to get your website on first page of Google.

Content Centric SEO agency

We do content centric SEO with the idea of ​​being useful for the and essential for business of our clients.

content centric SEO is the action of understanding what users need to know to write texts that explain those needs. Relevant and quality content is created and distributed for clients and potential clients in order to attract them to the company and connect with them.

Why is content centric SEO so important?

Content centric SEO is essential as a key point for webiste ranking on Search Engines. It is considered one of the most important points, because the content that generates a unique value and makes our brand visible, will allow us to reach audiences by providing them with value to earn their loyalty from different types of content. Other benefits are:

Videos, Infographic and podcast

Corporate journals and newspapers

Promotion on social networks

Articles syndication through blogs, newsletters and ebooks

SEO link building Services
SEO link building Services

Advantages of content centric SEO

content-centric SEO is essential as a key strategy for the Search Engine ranking. It is considered one of the most important factors, because the content that generates value and makes our brand visible, will allow you to reach audiences by providing them with valuable information and earn their loyalty. Other benefits are:

Competitive differentiation: content-centric SEO allows you as an entity to reach customers before your competition by complementing the content with a strategy.

Segmentation: By creating content targeting specific types of people, you can reach really interested customers, with more chances to convert.

Build Credibility: Efficient communication with the user that is really interested generates on the part of the latter empathy and greater understanding, in this way the information becomes qualified and of relevance for the user.

Commitment: creating content that create thrill and new bonds helps entities to sell and retain customers, Social networking sites are important point because they generate communities of users related to the brand, communication must be handled dedicatedly.

Website ranking: At our agency, Social SEO Team, we know how important content-centric SEO is for our clients, so we put at your disposal a team that knows in advance the profile of your target audience to create attractive texts that bring you a little closer of your goal, sell products or services.

Content-Centric SEO for small businesses

In our Agency Social SEO Team we have a team of web writers who are responsible for optimizing and creating content based on the density of keywords and its extension to obtain a better ranking in search engines.

We apply a multidisciplinary approach to our Content Centric SEO campaigns to ensure high visibility or our clients’ websites. We seek to maximize Google exposure as its algorithm evolves, increase visibility in secondary search engines, and also in the emerging segment of voice activated search.

What is Content centric SEO

Content centric SEO is a group of strategies used in online marketing to design content, which could be, texts, images or videos that achieve the objective of improving audience interaction on the business pages on internet.

Those benefits will go in three lines:

  • Top SEO ranking
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Boost your brand portfolio on internet

Content focused SEO help you customize the marketing campaigns:

The key is that Content centric SEO offers visitors that content that they understand is the one they are looking for , which reinforces conversion marketing and online marketing in general.

Main functions of Content centric SEO

Content centric SEO, as this group of strategies is also known in English, stands out because:

Create and publish content to educate and inform potential consumers of your products or services.

As you may already know, audience behavior keeps on changing. People do not want the constant daily bombardment of advertising messages pushing them to buy something. Today's net savvy generation is looking for a new kind of experience, they want content that educates them and informs them and companies are the ones that have to win the trust of the audience.

Content centric SEO Content centric SEO matches the audience's behavior by delivering very specific educational information, carefully created in the form of technical documents, videos, webinars, podcasts, blogs and much more to help potential customers make the best possible purchase decision under its own conditions, without strong ads or high pressure sales.

It is not enough to create content and simply place it on the web.
To drive new leads to your website, you have to publish your content in places such as LinkedIn groups, portals, forums, guest blogs and much more. The result is a new group of potential customers who did not know you existed and are now landing on your website looking for exactly what you offer.

Social SEO Team helps bring the right audiences to your website and create optimal content for them. We specialize in Content that adapts to your challenges, concerns, and needs, focusing on effective Content centric SEO. Our aim is to create best content strategy aimed at attracting those users who are looking for valuable knowledge and ideas that you offer.

Social SEO Team is your online Content centric SEO Agency on the Internet.

Let's talk about your online marketing

Content Centric SEO: What you need to know in 2021

The concept of Content centric SEO has been a fundamental part of any SEO strategy for over ten years. This strategy puts the "content" as an essential element for building the authority of a website for a high rank on Search engines as well as to attract new customers and retain them.

How does Content centric SEO Work?

As can be seen from the phrase itself, "Content centric SEO" is a form of Search Engine optimization that involves creating content whose purpose is to boost the ranking of websites on search engines with high-quality content to establish contact with potential customers and keep alive the seller/buyer relationship. The definition of content is any type of information that can educate, entertain, and engage an online audience.

As mentioned in the introduction, the purpose of Content centric SEO is not to hard sell, but to inform and engage the online audience, and turn them into loyal customers. The basis of a good relationship (in this case of a commercial nature) is communication. By providing high-quality information through content-centric SEO, educating, and then updating the customer, the company aims to maintain a stable and long-term relationship.

Content centric SEO strategies can be implemented in these various forms:

  • Document and presentations with information.
  • Images, and infographics.
  • Podcasts
  • Videos

Why Content in SEO matters?

For every business with SEO as CenterPoint of their marketing strategies, using Content centric SEO is critical if you want to achieve your goals. There are several reasons for the implementation of Content centric SEO. For example, most people seek a communication-focused relationship with business and no one wants to be bombarded with continuous advertisements, flyers, commercials, etc.

The current rules of the markets are more likely to create a relationship between company and customer, a relationship that accompanies the buyer until the final stage of the purchase. Therefore, the goal of the company is to support the customer during the selection of the product or service, the purchase, and proof of the asset bought.

Another reason to do Content centric SEO is the ability of a company to adapt to the type of modern customer. Whereas in the past advertisements were pounding and focused on an (often annoying) interruption technique, less invasive techniques are now used that seek permission from the customer (to be informed). The importance of doing Content centric SEO also lies in the fact that the costs are significantly reduced compared to traditional advertising. The barriers are reduced and profiting by reaching even the so-called niche targets is a viable reality.

How to Build an Effective Content centric SEO Strategy

There are several ways to build an effective Content centric SEO strategy. The principle on which to build the foundation stone is to establish the strategic objectives of the business. Every company needs to understand what goal it intends to achieve, in which branch or sector of its business aims to deepen and improve and what kind of need it would like to meet with the Content centric SEO strategy.

The next step is to define the target, so the type of customer that the company considers to be ideal for the service or product it sells. Targeting a correct audience is very important or the risk you run is to create content that a large audience finds interesting without achieving sales goals. Another aspect to consider when building a Content centric SEO strategy is the ability to engage the audience, a decidedly facilitated task when you know who will be the target.

The company that knows who to turn to, can understand what the customer's needs are and which Content centric SEO strategies have the most grip on that target. The final act of this process is feedback or, in other words, the measurement of results. This step is in the last position only from a sequential point of view because, from a strategic point of view, the company has to plan it from the beginning. In short, measuring the results must not be an action left to chance.

Content centric SEO Goals

Increase website Visits

The first goal of Content centric SEO is to increase the visits of potential customers: since the content is created for a given target, they must reach it. Remember that a good Content centric SEO strategy is effective when creating that relationship between the seller and possible customer.

The more users have access to content, the more likely they are to convert them into buyers. Another goal that a Content centric SEO company must achieve is the lead generation, which is that set of marketing actions that aim to acquire and generate potential customers.

Pursuing this goal is important because the company will not communicate with the mass but with a specific target of people. What is that quality that makes a relationship firm and lasting over time? Undoubtedly, trust. In marketing, we talk about loyalty: it is the personal and commercial link that is created between company and customer. The latter, as a loyal customer, receives benefits and will seek reassurance and credibility by relying on his trusted company.

Build Brand Awareness

Another goal of Content centric SEO is the concept of brand awareness compared to competing companies. In other words, a company must aim to create its well-specific image that increases the notoriety and qualities of the store.

Streamline the content creation part of SEO

Each Content centric SEO action requires well-organized medium or long-term programming. In this way, the company will be able to measure the results and see what the gain is compared to the investment. For these reasons, scheduling an editorial calendar becomes necessary. It is a real calendar that takes shape since you establish day by day or monthly, topics to be covered, main keywords, and any in-depth links.

The steps to create this editorial calendar can vary from company to company but it would be a good rule to always start from defining precise times and dates for social media posts, newsletters, and emails. With this tool, you can take advantage of important dates such as holidays that can be well managed and there is no problem of losing sight of them. Also, you do not risk running into the vicious vortex of postponing a commitment because there is the calendar that manages the content on the blog, a social channel, etc.

Another advantage of the editorial calendar is the combination of content. If a company is very active on social media, it's good to remember that these can be a great medium if there is variety. This is also managed by the calendar.

Optimize your content for search engines

Content centric SEO takes place by leveraging the borderless world that is the internet, optimizing content for search engines is one of the most important aspects of the strategy as a whole. The number of users who use the web to shop regularly grows exponentially. For this reason, a company that has chosen to expand its business on the internet will have to find a way to ensure visibility. Content optimization takes place using SEO strategies, which works primarily with the most popular search engine, Google.

Thanks to good SEO strategies, a company's web page can be among the first results of a search carried out by a user on the top search engines. Also, the care and quality of the content are other steps to follow for optimization, thanks to the collaboration with an SEO consultant. So, SEO is an effective and important method.

How to acquire new customers with content-centric SEO?

Acquiring new customers would seem, at least in appearance, an operation impossible to achieve. Companies that do SEO get great sales results. Winning customers through this strategy involves the ability to understand their needs and then provide them with "tailored" and optimized content to entice them to make a purchase. Another reason why a company needs to be able to identify a specific audience. An example of these may be termed describing the company's activity, the type of product or service, etc.

Content centric SEO has a bright future ahead as it is a well-established marketing strategy, adopted by most companies operating in the web world to entice Search engines into ranking their websites higher on SERPs and also to boost their brand portfolio. In the future, this strategy will likely evolve with more focus on the use of Artificial Intelligence to analyze and utilize the viewership of the existing content to create new content for a future audience.

We provide content centric SEO service through following channels

Content optimization : Do not confuse with the Blog, we refer to the type of content centric SEO that we optimize to create persuasive content in all sections of your website, from the home page to who you are or categories of your services. With optimization of text on all your inner pages we help your website rank well.

Blog: Without a proper bloging strategy your website cannot rank high. One must know the keywords to rank, know the trends of searches during the year and the final objectives to create content that’s loved by readers as well as search engines.

News: In order to get a good quality backlinks to your website you will have to feed the most compatible means of communication to your online project with relevant news of your sector. In our Agency Social SEO Team we distribute your content to major news portals in your niche to get relevant backlinks.

Texts for products: we create and optimize descriptive and commercial texts for products for online stores, we focus on giving relevant information to the consumer about the product with a commercial sales touch to make it more attractive and of course with right keyword density to rank the said product.

SEO link building Services

Generate more leads and sales with Content centric SEO strategy ?

Are you looking to create lasting relationships with your customers?





We are an online marketing agency specializing in Content centric SEO. AT Social SEO Team we develop the most appropriate Content centric SEO solutions for your company taking into account the objectives you are looking for and the audience you are addressing through the type of content that best suits your needs.

We create informative and interesting content for your target audience that generates value and creates relationships with users and results for your company.

First, we analyze your business in order to define the objectives to be achieved, determine which is the audience we are targeting and what are the topics that interest them. Then we analyze the competition and its positioning to define your Content centric SEO strategy and develop a powerful campaign.

Content Centric SEO - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is content-centric SEO?

Content-centric SEO involves the creation and dissemination of high-quality content in form of articles, pictures, videos, and non-commercial presentations to create new connections and bring clients to the product, service, brand, business, or person.

What are the benefits of content-centric SEO strategies?

Content-focused SEO strategies build your reputation as someone who’s an authority in your niche. Once you’ve become an authority in the field of your business, you won’t have to chase the customers, new clients will want to have you serve them.

Why does content-centric SEO work?

Content centric SEO is the best strategic solution for your business because instead of selling you’re looking to be bought. It involves steps to create confidence in potential customers by creating and distributing content to build authority for you and your business and give a competitive advantage to you.

What are the steps involved in content-focused SEO strategy?

A SEO strategy that bets on high-quality content bring long-term results that’s why it has to be planned for the long term because the results are not instant. The planning, creation, and distribution of the contents have to be consistent and of high quality. To do this you need to consistently create high-quality content that provides good information and value to the potential customers without upselling your product.

How long does it take to see the first results?

It’s very difficult to answer because it depends on many factors like your customer base, your business operational time, types of content, type of service and product, etc. Our Content centric strategies usually start showing results in about 6 months. In some cases, its sooner, others might take longer however we always deliver quality solutions that pay for itself over time.

Are there tricks to go faster than you think low cost?

No. Don’t think of using content-centric SEO if you are looking for short-term results. However, it can be implemented as a parallel strategy to your existing marketing mix. For a content-driven SEO strategy to work you have to put in time and resources to achieve the best results.

How to measure return on investment in content-centric SEO?

Measuring the return on investment of content-centric SEO strategy is essential to quantitatively understand if this strategy is worthwhile for your business.

First, you need to determine the goal of your marketing campaign. Once established, use that value to calculate how much you invest to achieve it.

To get an estimated amount you must use the following simple formula:

ROI (return – cost of investment) / cost of investment

Here’s an example:

If the content-driven SEO strategy helped you achieve 20 sales and each sale brought you an average income of $100, we can conclude that the return was 20 x 300 x $2000.

If you invested $500, applying the formula, we will get:

ROI (2000 – 500) / 500 x 1

This number is multiplied by 100 to get a percentage, which gives you 300%.

This means that the investment pays you 300%. For an investment of a dollar, we get 3 dollars of profit.

Why does content centric SEO only produce long-term results?

Investing in Advertising might result in quick results, however, if your Ad campaign ends and you don’t renew it, the results fade quickly.

Content centric SEO is different, as not only do you sell your product and/or service, but it’s a process by which you educate the consumer and create a connection with them, so the visible results don’t come up overnight.

The content you create with this strategy is perennial,which makes it quite inexpensive for the amount of benefits it can bring you over time.

How can content-centric SEO help improve my company's branding?

Creating valuable content, as well as giving your brand authority and standing out from the competition, helps the reader solve a problem through your knowledge.

In content centric SEO, the consumer is the focus, not your product or service. So you have to exceed his expectations so that you can get him to start seeing you with more sympathy and admiration, being able to even become an ambassador of your brand.

Does social networks play any role in Content Centric SEO?

Social networks have become one of the important platforms toget traffic to your website. By effectively using them you can showcase your product and service to a large audience. Share features of social networks can make your brand go viral. Thats’ why you must use social media websites in your content marketing campaigns.

Can I provide you with the content for the campaign?

We allow our clients to send us the content. However, we only use it for reference to create content ourselves. For this strategy to work, it is important to have expertise in every area of content creation (planning, design, copywriting, and review).

At Social SEO Team, our content creation process is split into different stages.

We have a team of trained in-house writers and freelancers, chosen for each project according to their skills and expertise, to achieve the best result.

What is Social SEO Team's differentiator in its content strategy?

Social SEO Team offers a complete solution.

At Social SEO team we allow you to manage your entire content strategy, giving you access to a dashboard with details of the campaigns and results achieved.

Our team of writers is trained to write with expertise on any topic and sector. Every writer conducts extensive research before creating the content.

Why Social SEO Team and not a digital agency?

Social SEO Team offers a more extensive and result-oriented strategy than any other marketing company, incorporating all the channels vital to improving a company’s online presence, such as on-page content, content for link building, content marketing through social media and email newsletters.

Why is consistency in the posting of content so important?

It’s important to remember that content-centric SEO strategies involve creating a relationship with customers by using high-quality content.

A consistent flow of content feeds this relationship, brings them closer to your brand, and leads to high conversion rates.

Another reason for publishing content frequently is Googles’ content freshness ranking factor. Google’s algorithm does not like dormant blogs and usually, blogs with newer information are ranked higher than older websites.

What is the success rate for your strategies?

Almost all of our campaigns have achieved the desired results for our clients. However, before full analysis of the website and competition, it is not possible to guarantee 100% results.

However, we use a clear and objective methodology to ensure that the results are progressively obtained to your satisfaction with growth in sales, customer trust, and brand value.

You can learn about Social SEO Team’s methodology in depth at the link above.

How do you guarantee positive results? Performance Marketing?

The results of every campaign depend on many factors and as a result-oriented marketing agency we make sure to bring every campaign to success. However, depending on competition and sector it may take longer to achieve results for some websites.

Social SEO Team’s working methodology utilizes all the tools and resources to get results as satisfactory as possible.

Does a content-centric SEO strategy reveal my business secrets to anyone?

No. We only promote the features and details of your business that are necessary to build customer confidence and influence them to make a purchase.

Can I use multiple channels to promote the website?

Yes, content-driven SEO is a multichannel marketing strategy. Although how many channels are included depends on the campaign manager’s business niche and nature of the campaign, the core of the strategy is to distribute the contents across a large number of channels to gain the attention of people from diverse groups and interests.

Does content-centric SEO help only with Google ranking?

A content-centric SEO is one of the most important strategies employed by markets to not only achieve a high ranking on search engines but also to improve customer engagement retention and remarketing.

It’s a reliable online marketing method to improve your brand value on the internet and influence a large number of people in becoming your customers.

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