302 Redirect

What is a 302 redirect?

A 302 redirect means that the requested webpage or resource has been temporarily moved to another URL. The HTTP response status code 302 sends the user to a new URL and notifies Search engine crawlers that the redirect is temporary. 

The two most commonly used methods to redirect users and search engine crawlers to another URL are 301 and 302 redirects. Users see no difference between the two redirects, but search engines interpret and categorize them differently, as permanent or temporary redirection. 

The redirect code you use can greatly affect your SEO. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right one based on whether the URL change is permanent or temporary.

How to Create a 302 Redirect?

You can add a 302 redirect and define the new URL by including the following code snippet in your .htaccess file (which is in your website’s root directory):

# BEGIN 302 Redirects

Redirect 302 /old-post/ https://www.yourwebsite.com/new-post/

# END 302 Redirects


If you have a WordPress website, you can easily create a 302 redirect by using any of the plethora of free Redirect plugins available in WordPress plugin repository. 

How does a 302 redirect differ from a 301 redirect?

If you use a 301 redirect, you indicate that a page has been permanently moved and that you do not intend to restore it at any point. This permanent redirect informs the browser that the desired webpage no longer exists at that URL.

In other words, it is no longer relevant to Google; the search engine will update its database and index the new URL instead, transferring the link’s power to the new page.

But when you use a 302 redirect, you signal to Google that the move is temporary and that the initial URL will be used again at some point. So, there is no reason for Google to index the new URL, which means you retain your traffic, ranking, and authority.

However, you should note that Google will treat long-lasting 302 redirects as 301 redirects.

When should you use 302 redirects?

Given that the 302 redirect indicates that the redirect is temporary, it should only be used in cases where you intend to restore the original URL soon.

A 302 redirect could be used in the following scenarios:

  • When A/B testing a page to assess its functionality and design. You want to collect client feedback on a new page but not affect the website’s current ranking. 
  • When updating a specific webpage but want to keep the user experience consistent. 
  • When managing a broken webpage but still want to offer a good user experience while you work on resolving the issues. 
  • When running a campaign and want to redirect users to a temporary sales page.

The key takeaway is that the 302 redirect is temporary and should not be used for permanent redirection.


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