Auto Generated content

What is auto-generated content?

Auto-generated content (or “auto-generated” content) is content that is generated automatically using a program or code to manipulate Google search results and is considered black-hat SEO.

Examples of auto-generated content as listed by Google:

Text that doesn’t make any sense to the reader and contains only the keywords.
Text is translated by automated tools without human review and curation.
Bulk text generated by AI and automated processes.
Automated content generation using synonymization or obfuscation techniques.
Text generated from scraping Atom/RSS feeds or search results.
Creating or combining content from different web pages without adding any value.

Auto-generated content should be avoided as it violates Google’s quality guidelines and may therefore result in manual action for your site.


 Is auto-generated content bad for SEO?

Yes. In most cases, Auto-generated content should be avoided. While it can work for short-term search results, it’s not a suitable strategy for providing a positive user experience and building a reputation and authority for your website. That’s because Google prioritizes content that provides value and a positive user experience; if users visit your site, see low-quality AI-generated content and immediately leave, your rankings will reflect that. Also, for competitive niches where high-quality content is expected by users, auto-generated content is highly unlikely to deliver even short-term results.

Google’s algorithm is constantly evolving and getting better at detecting auto-generated content. So it’s best not to risk a manual action that could get your site hidden or even banned.

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