Link Building: How to get great links?

According to digital marketing studies, 94% of content on the internet receives zero backlinks, and 2.2% of the content receives most external links. 41% of businesses claim that link building is one of the most challenging SEO activities for them. Majority of SEO experts believe that link building is the most important technique to increase organic traffic to your website. 

Pillars of effective link building

These statistics make link building a hard to ignore SEO strategy. Let’s keep these facts and figures aside, and discuss three important factors of link building in 2022

The newness of the backlinks

Most SEO experts believe that a continual flow of backlinks is important for achieving a high ranking or maintaining your website placement on Google. Every day thousands of books worth of new content are being created on the internet and search engines like the content being shared by blogs, websites, and social media. 

New backlinks to your website mean that your is in line with the current trends in the industry, that’s why other websites are linking to it. That’s why you must not stop creating links to your website even if you’ve achieved a top ranking. Old links are still important, however, new links futureproof your ranking on search engines. 

The authority of the link publishing site

Creating backlinks on PBN websites or using backlink providers who use directories for link building will not help you with your website ranking. The Authority of the website from which you’re gaining links is very important. That’s why digital marketing gurus rely on quality content for link building. 

That’s why you must give importance to earning links from a website with Higher Domain authority (DA) and Domain Ranking (DR) than your website by at least 10 points, even if the backlink is no-follow.

The relevance of backlinks

A link-building strategy should evaluate the relevance of the publishing website and the webpage on which the link is being created. To be clear, the link should come from a website and webpage with relevance to the content on your website. 

 According to Google, links generated on relevant websites perform better than those created on nonrelated or general websites. 

Create a link building strategy with focus on these three pillars, and you’re destined to achieve top rank on google. If you’ve questions or queries regarding link building or looking for a link building expert, contact us anytime. 

Last Updated on January 5, 2023 by Social SEO Team

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Social SEO Team
Hi, I am a digital marketing expert with an experience of 10 years in SEO and link building. I've grown many startups from zero to millions of page views through SEO and link building techniques. I've started this blog to offer you my insights on how to start your business and grow it with efficient SEO and link building techniques. I am here to help you gain exposure and traffic for your brand.

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