E-commerce SEO : 12 SEO tips for eCommerce Websites

Let me guess:

You opened an eCommerce store because you realized the internet is slowly but steadily replacing local stores and shopping malls. However, you must realize that in the eCommerce sector huge competition exists with stores like amazon, and regional multivendor eCommerce companies are ruling the market. Also, depending on the product, profit margins can be low and online marketing is quite different from offline marketing.

Having an eCommerce store has benefits like it requires less investment, however, trends on the internet are constantly changing and you must update your marketing strategy rapidly to stay ahead of your competition.

That’s why in this post we’re going to explain the basics of one of the most effective online marketing strategies for eCommerce stores, i.e., Search engine optimization (SEO).

Basic SEO Guide for ecommerce companies and online stores

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The main goal of any Ecommerce or Online Store is to attract buying visitors to the website to generate sales and increase sales and revenue. Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is the best online marketing strategy for not only getting new customers but also building a brand for your e-commerce store.

The main obstacle for the success of an eCommerce store on the internet is a large number of competitors and the dominance of companies like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc. However, fear not, with solid planning and implementation of professional SEO strategies you can outrank your competitors and develop a successful eCommerce business. Here are some of the most important eCommerce SEO components you need to act on to make your online store outrank your competitors.

eCommerce Keyword Research

Keyword research for eCommerce is one of the most important SEO Factors and involves a deep analysis of words and phrases related to your business and product that brings new customers and generates sales.

Here are the basic steps to perform keyword research for an eCommerce store.

  • Step 1: Make a list of important products in your eCommerce store
  • Step 2: Create a list of keywords relevant to your products
  • Step 3: Research topics related to your product keywords
  • Step 4: Create a list of low competition long-tail keywords
  • Step 5: Analyze your eCommerce competitor’s website for keywords
  • Step 6: Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool to find the best keywords

To perform keyword research for your eCommerce store you can either use search engines, free keyword research tools, or paid keyword tools. We recommend using Google Adwords keyword planner.

Analyze your eCommerce competitors

Knowing what your eCommerce competitors are doing right, and what they’re using wrong is very important. You must analyze their website, keywords, and content to exploit their weakness, and create your SEO strategy accordingly to outrank them.

Create descriptive and informative content for all product categories

Many eCommerce store owners make the mistake of not creating any descriptive content for the product category pages. Pages without content don’t offer any value for ranking high on search engines. Thats’ why you must create highly informational and descriptive content for the product category pages so that they pass the link juice to the product pages.

Your products must have Original descriptions

Instead of just specifying the features of the product, create unique descriptions for the products you’re selling in your eCommerce store. Analyze the product description utilized by your competitors and create more informative content describing the products.

Display related products

Displaying related products on the product landing page is very important to improve your sales. It not only helps in increasing the sales for your eCommerce store, but also passes link juice of the popular product pages to other product pages, and improves their ranking on search engines.

Add structured data

Structured data has become an important part of web development and SEO. Structured data helps Search engines contextualize a and display blocks of content within a web page, called rich snippets in the search results. You can easily add structured data to your product pages using Schema markup. Here are 5 most important E-Commerce Rich Snippets for Your Store.

  1. Product Schema
  2. Reviews and Rating Schema
  3. Price Schema
  4. Product Availability Schema
  5. Video Schema

Encourage customers to leave product reviews

Customer ratings and reviews are very important to establish the credibility of your eCommerce store. Many studies show that product ratings play an important role in visitors making buying decisions. Also, with help of Reviews and rating schema, you can display your customer reviews directly in search engines and encourage users to visit your product page instead of your competitors.

Use infographics and videos

Videos and infographics are important tools for increasing conversion rates. Search engines like interactive content and the addition of videos and infographics help improve your eCommerce store ranking on Google.

Don’t ignore long-tail keywords:

An effective keyword selection for e-commerce stores is all about finding the right balance between search volume and difficulty. Short tail keywords are usually hard to rank because of high competition. Long-tail keywords might bring you less traffic but it’s usually more targetted, and they’re easier to rank.

Implement responsible link building

High-quality backlinks are a very important part of SEO for e-commerce stores, and they are essential for achieving a high ranking on Google. That’s why to attract more visitors to your website you must implement a professional link-building strategy, and earn links from authority websites in your niche.

Optimize product images

Adding original images for your products is not enough. You must optimize the images with proper alt tags or titles, and make sure they aren’t huge as they can affect the load time of the page. Faster loading pages usually rank higher on Google.

Promote the website on Social media

As with link building, social media marketing plays an important role in increasing the popularity of your eCommerce store and improving its SEO ranking. A large number of social media mentions can also help in generating valuable backlinks, thus helping you with the link-building strategy for your e-commerce store.

I hope that with these SEO tips you’re able to create a successful marketing campaign for your eCommerce store, and achieve first page rank on search engines. If you’re looking for an expert SEO team to help you improve the traffic on your website with professional SEO solutions, feel free to contact us. Social SEO Team is one of the fastest growing SEO companies, and with our affordable seo services and link building solutions the growth of your ecommerce store will grow beyond your imagination.

Last Updated on July 14, 2022 by Social SEO Team

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Social SEO Team
Hi, I am a digital marketing expert with an experience of 10 years in SEO and link building. I've grown many startups from zero to millions of page views through SEO and link building techniques. I've started this blog to offer you my insights on how to start your business and grow it with efficient SEO and link building techniques. I am here to help you gain exposure and traffic for your brand.

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